Wednesday 11 February 2015


I believe one of the major reasons why the traditional system of education has not change is because it was designed not to change. The system hates mistakes. In the world of education the more mistakes a person makes the less intelligent that person is thought to be.
The problem with such believes is that it does not translate to real world application. Infact what we see is the paradox. Most  highly celebrated students adored with high IQ in schools becomes morons in the real world once they leave the traditional school system. When measured side by side with their low IQ pairs after some years these guys with  High IQ end up in financial ruins, poor marriages, a low problem solving skills. At best most end up average in handling real life issues.

Making mistakes is one of the great ways we learn in the real world. A baby can only walk  after a lot of   frustrating attempts and mistakes. The baby does not need to read any  book, only deliberate steps are required. He/ she falls down, (probably got injured a little) and rise again. Take one more step, falls down  and the cycle goes on until a near perfect state is attended and the baby begins to walk. At this stage the baby is no longer a baby but a child. That is by changing crawling to walking through taking deliberate  conscious steps. Inspite of mistake, the baby grows into a child.
This experience is what is missing in most of our institution today and indeed in most adult. Fear has taken over, even in most homes and families, children and spouse are scolded severely if they make mistakes in an attempt to succeed. So most people would not take any steps rather they continue the  “status quo”.
Mistakes are opportunity to learn something new, something you don’t know before. In real life, the more mistake a person make, the more the person learn. This is a bit of miracle hidden in every mistake.
Learning to ride a bicycle is a great example and illustration we can make here. That is a great scenario. Just remember the frustration you went through  as you struggle to learn how to ride a bicycle, all your friends were riding but all you could do was climbing on the bicycle and falling off on every point. You made mistake after mistake. Then suddenly you stop falling off. You begin to peddle, the bike begin rolling and suddenly like miracle, a whole new world opens to you, that is the miracle found in mistakes. below are great names that turned their mistakes into miracle.
Warren Buffet Mistakes
Warren Buffet, Americans richest investor is known and respected for his company, Berkshire Hathaway was a shirt manufacturing company that was slowly going out of business. Buffet thought his team could turn the company around. As at that time, textile manufacturing was dying in America and was moving to other countries. It was a trend that even warren buffet could not go against and the company eventually fail as a manufacturing company even with Warren Buffet behind it. Yet inside of this company, warren found the gems that ultimately made him extremely rich.
Diamond field
Another company, Diamond fields was formed to look for diamonds which were never found. The companys head geologist had made a mistake, yet instead of finding diamonds, they struck one of the largest nickel deposits in the world. Their stick price soared upon the discovery. Today although the name remain diamond fields, they make their money in nickel.
Levi Straus 
Levi Straus headed to the gold fields of California to strike it rich in mining, however he was not a gold miner, so he instead began  sewing pants  out of canvas for the miners who were successful, today I think most of the world has heard of  levis  jeans.
Thomas Edison
It is said that Thomas Edison would never had invented the light bulb if he had been an employee for the company he ultimately founded General Electric( G.E)
It s said that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before finally inventing the light bulb. If Edison had been an employee of a major corporation, he would most likely have been fired for making so many mistakes.
 Christopher Columbus’s 
Christopher Columbus big mistake was that he was looking for a trade route to china and accidentally found America; the richest most powerful country in the world.

 In school you are considered smart if you don’t make mistake. On the street you are smart  only if you make mistake and learn from them. People who often avoid taking step forward in the fear of making mistake, make the greatest mistakes of their times. They deny themselves of what is possible.
 The best way is to learn how to ride a bicycle is by riding one and finding some one who knows how to, to guide you, not reading the books about bicycle riding- which is what the school system does. You can read all books and still be imprisoned with the emotion of fear. To overcome that fear you must take hold of a bicycle and climb it, move forward , fall down, rise again. Doing so some great number of times is what makes you a cyclist.
 The problem many have with making mistakes is that they never learn from it rather they blame. We are to learn from mistakes not to blame when you blame you become lame. You hear people make statement like “I will never do that again” they blame and do not see the other side of the coin. Some other people lie or justify themselves. Some other also quit and never try anything near that again. Still, others become “deniers”.

 The ultimate of mistake as related to your financial life or any other area is that a whole  new world open to you. As Winston Churchill said “success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm”.


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